Pppppfffff... guess who's back? The headache! I can't say that i have missed it though i was close to forgetting about my usual headaches. Today it happened. It was back! This mother f*c*er called Headache! Actually, this mornig i just said that it will pass in 2, 3 hours...but it didn't. And i also said that if i ignore it, then it will pass. But, ... it didn't.
Then i started to ask myself: where does it come from? Stress? Aglomeration? Too much thinking? Too much things to solve? Maybe i got a flue? Maybe it is comming from an open window? Or maybe i did not sleep that much last night. But the answers were all not so obvious to me, none of them could satisfy my biggest question : WHERE DO YOU COME FROM, lady Headache?! Heh, alcool was not an answer also, to my shame.
Ok! So.... what now? How do i make this go away? If i start thinking about solutions, it will for sure be much more intensive than it was untill now. What do i do? Is there anybody able to take it away, from inside my head? Does anybody have a solution? Where do i have to send this non-friendly 'thing'-headache?
Have a nice evening....
Pfffffff, ghici cine s-a-ntors?! Durerea de cap! Si nu pot spune ca mi-a fost dor de senzatiile 'tari' pe care mi le dadea, desi la un moment dat chiar uitasem de ea. Ei bine, azi s-a intamplat! Acest Mother Fu**er denimit Durere de cap. Azi de dimineata chiar am zis ca...hai, poate trece in 2 3 ore, dar n-a trecut. De altfel am zis ca o ignor si trece. S-a dovedit fals!
Apoi am inceput sa ma gandesc: de unde vin durerile de cap? Din cauza stress-ului, a aglomeratiei, al volumului mare de lucruri de rezolvat? M-a tras curentul? Am racit iar?! Sau, poate...n-am dormit destul azi-noapte (iar)! Dar raspunsurile nu mi s-au aratat, deci... am ramas cu cea mai mare intrebare a mea: De unde vii tu, durere de cap? Si mai ales, cum fac sa...DISPARI?! Nici macar alcoolul n-a reprezentat un raspuns - solutie de data aceasta.
Ok. Si acum?! Cum te fac sa te dizolvi? Daca incep sa ma gandesc la solutii am marea sansa de a imi intensifica durerea de cap. Asa ca va intreb pe voi: Ce fac? Exista cineva printre voi care are o solutie? Unde trebuie sa trimit aceasta 'deloc prietenoasa chestie' ?!
Seara buna...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
WELCOME to our world....! / BINE AI VENIT in lumea noastra!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Don't forget, Easter.../ Nu uita, de Paste...
Easter passed. I didn't prepare myself, like i used to do every year. And i also forgot to do all the religious things related to Easter. Eh, who's going to judge me? GOD?! Heh, for this Easter, Jesus was busy. He was in Heaven! BUT so was I....!Christos a inviat!
A trecut si Pastele. Am sarit lejer cu pregatirle pe care le faceam in fiecare an, pentru aceasta sarbatoare. Nu am tinut post si nici macar oua nu am vopsit. Dar cine sa ma judece? DUMNEZEU?! Heh, de acest Paste, IIsus a fost ocupat. Era in Rai! Dar la fel eram si eu...!
Christos a inviat!
A trecut si Pastele. Am sarit lejer cu pregatirle pe care le faceam in fiecare an, pentru aceasta sarbatoare. Nu am tinut post si nici macar oua nu am vopsit. Dar cine sa ma judece? DUMNEZEU?! Heh, de acest Paste, IIsus a fost ocupat. Era in Rai! Dar la fel eram si eu...!
Christos a inviat!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Nothing to say.../Nimic de spus...
I have nothing to say. I'm just listening to a song on repeat, with a funny videoclip in a language that i try so much to understand. But little by little, as a friend used to say, things will be understood. So will this song be. Having the intention to do some 'couching' tonight and wishing you all the best... Sori sleeps...
N-am nimic de zis. Ascult numai o piesa pe repeat, cu un videoclip funny ,piesa fiind intr-o limba pe care incerc sa o inteleg. Usor - usor, asa cum imi sfatuia un prieten, lucrurile se inteleg. La fel ca si acest cantec. Indreptandu-ma spre niste 'couching' - a sta pe canapea va urez toate bune... Sori doarme...
N-am nimic de zis. Ascult numai o piesa pe repeat, cu un videoclip funny ,piesa fiind intr-o limba pe care incerc sa o inteleg. Usor - usor, asa cum imi sfatuia un prieten, lucrurile se inteleg. La fel ca si acest cantec. Indreptandu-ma spre niste 'couching' - a sta pe canapea va urez toate bune... Sori doarme...
Monday, April 06, 2009
Friday, April 03, 2009
Let the sunshine in.../ Lasa soarele sa intre...
:)let's have a great week-end! Let's enjoy the spring that just came and laugh with our mouhts up to our ears... Let's smile and be happy... Let us open our windows and welcome the fresh air into our rooms...'Cause life should be joy and happynes, not sorrow and regrets!
:) sa fie acesta un week-end de pomina! Sa ne bucuram de primavara care tocmai a venit si sa radem cu gura pana la urechi...Sa zambim si sa fim fericiti...Sa deschidem geamurile si sa lasam aerul curat sa intre in camere...Pentru ca viata ar trebui sa fie plina de bucurie si zambete, nu regrete si amar!
:) sa fie acesta un week-end de pomina! Sa ne bucuram de primavara care tocmai a venit si sa radem cu gura pana la urechi...Sa zambim si sa fim fericiti...Sa deschidem geamurile si sa lasam aerul curat sa intre in camere...Pentru ca viata ar trebui sa fie plina de bucurie si zambete, nu regrete si amar!
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