Good evening...Good night...Good times or even good people, they all make me think about how to keep them close to me.
These days i haven't been much at home, and let me say i did not miss it so much. And now that i am at home, i put my feet up on the desk, light up a cigarette and start writing...Writing about how this last period of time has been for me. I don't even know how to describe it, because there is so much to tell.
And all these things are not related to what's going on arround me - which is not much: same people i see at work, same people i try to meet in the evening. They are comming from inside myself, because i started to generate things. Now i have again made it possible to take from inside, to the light. And i'm talking this time about love, hapyness, joy and a lot of positive matters. The other dark bad stuff can go directly to hell, or whereever their place is.
And yes, i am madly in love. So nice... SO NICE!!! Tonight i was talking to Ana. Ana is my friend. She's young and so sincere. I quote:
'Love makes me complete, i hate the fact that at this moment i have nobody to think about, that i have nobody in my heart. Love motivates me and i have no urge to do things anymore.'
I was listening to her and couldn't answer her anything. She was so right!!! Love is trully a motivation for me, for her, and could be also for you - the one that is reading. One of the facts that happend to me this year was love. Maybe i learned how to take it serious this time, from my part. Maybe i have learned how to treat love in a mature way, not like a child, although i'm flying through the days and everything seams perfect...
Everyday i see people that live a hard life but keep their smile on. I decided to ask one how does he manage. He told me that his daughter died 2 years ago, he has not so much money and his wife is in hospital, close to the end. And then he said ' I smile because this is the way i am. If i were not to smile, i would also die like all of them!' And he loves his wife very much and that is what makes him go on and on everyday! Love....
Being alone for a long time made me a little rough, although my life was a perfect one. I was lucky and had everything. Now i also have a good soul, because love reopened me. Discovering what is inside us takes a lot of time and a great deal of courage. There are moments when i am scared of myself. It's part of the game. It can happen that you are dissapointed in people or with yourself, but nobody is perfect. And also not yourself. You can be bad or good. The result is the one important. And when i say this i do not mean it in an egoistical point of view. It's just that we have only 1 life, too bad this passes so quickly. I for one decided to make the best of it. I don't know what will happen later. But the result for this year seems not so bad...
And, by the way : the fact that i will dance alone for this Christmas is not going to bring me down, but will build inside me a stronger Sori...
Wish you all the best...really all the best!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Don't brake my glasses....
Don't brake my glasses...
I can feel you holding my hand at night when we sleep,
i can feel all those feelings you told they are deep.
I can see us running around in the park
with our shadows going into the dark.
I lay awake and dream that we are
I see the beach, and us by far
Love making in the sun, i'd say
this should be our only way.
The night comes over me again,
So i put the glasses away.
Will search as blind as i am, for you
Will search untill i am through...
I can feel you holding my hand at night when we sleep,
i can feel all those feelings you told they are deep.
I can see us running around in the park
with our shadows going into the dark.
I lay awake and dream that we are
I see the beach, and us by far
Love making in the sun, i'd say
this should be our only way.
The night comes over me again,
So i put the glasses away.
Will search as blind as i am, for you
Will search untill i am through...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Here's to you, Old City....
These days have been quietly passing through...
When finally deciding to take a day off from work, i went to enjoy a half of day long trip 'in this sometimes beutiful city' Bucuresti. Have't been since half a year in the Old City, in the center, i took my car and park it somewhere close to it. Wondering on the streets and the small corner shops of the Old Center, i found places like art galleries, tea houses, small theaters, coffe shops, clubs from which i had no ideea that they exist. The smell of 'old' was tinckling my sences as i walked through my evening spree. A lot of people running from one street to another, God only knows what they were looking for. Eventually i got lost. So i decided to stop. I stood in the middle of the main street and looked arround: at my right there was this old man playng the guitar, creating nice sounds and atmosphere for an early Friday evening. At my left there were this young street kids playing footbal and running arround. I lighted up a cigarette, stood down on a rock and enjoyed the fuziness that was arround me. Coulours of dark grey and brown were surrounding me, giving this feeling of '20 s old movie, with no sound. The art galeries were full of people of their own kind. Not ordinary people, but art creative people.
After getting up from the brick and being finished with wondering arround, shopping tea and art stuff, i went into the direction of where my car was parked. Before exiting the area i bumped into this model that was in front of the Comedy Theatre. He was just staying there dressed very military. As much as he had no voice, his expression was one of stillness and peace. I tried some conversation with him, but nothing happend in the end. So, most that i could do was to take him a small picture and walk away from the Old City, leaving behind all the feelings and impressions i had for half of a day...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
2 in 1
2 in 1 - this is what everybody wants in life. Starting from detergent, ending with our personal life.
But 2 in 1 is not easy to create. People search for this feeling everyday, and maybe they find it. But their search is not intentionally. They are guided by their hearts, not their minds. And what I'm writing about is not a pattern, because it can happen. YES, IT CAN HAPPEN! 2 in 1 is not a love story you see when going to the movies at the mall. It is not when you see a couple on the street kissing and hugging. 2 in 1 is something you can be lucky to feel. When you get to this point, then you don't take into consideration other things that belong to the mind. Because this is the moment when your heart, your full of wishes heart is beating like a drum and kicks out the mind. This is about your soul.
Being alive is a gift not everybody has. Some don't even get the chance to see the light of day, some hold their lovers hand before death, using their last breath to show how they feel. Some people say that when '2 in 1' happens, this is a stage of temporary insanity. But what a nice feeling this 'insanity' is! Takes you from the ground 0 and makes you fly above all the others! Makes the passion inside you burst over all thoughts and fears that your mind keeps hidden. And then, must you not have fear! Must you not keep hidden how you feel, but act exactly how you want. You will get lost in this feeling. Nobody will judge...
When you give a rose to a woman, give not one, but two. One will be for her love, and the other will be for her forever friendship. And as you will grow old in age, maybe you will find out that people around you change. Also you will change. What will not go away will be this '2 in 1', that keeps you alive!
My post ends like this: God gave man 2 hands, 2 eyes, 2 legs, but He gave us only ONE HEART! Why? .... Because the other heart is for us to find.
now...i go to sleep. usually people fall asleep to dream, because dreams are nicer than reality. Well, i have passed this moment. Now i am living what i had dreamed about!
...Noape Buna!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Leave EGO outside your feelings...
People get separated one from eachother. This is the way life goes. Some periods are short but some are long. And, because we are human, we were born with this feeling inside our hearts and minds - we feel that we miss persons we love, we live with, or we only get to know for a short period. We were programed to live with this feeling inside us. But what God didn't program was the way people show this to the others... Therefore, nobody can judge a forbidden 'I miss you' said in a moment of total sincerity, or in a moment when we let our great Ego asside. Ego makes me tired. Ofcourse, it is so nice for the heart when this words come back to your ears, making you feel you have no guilt of feeling this inside. Some other people keep this feeling inside untill they are full of it, they become sad and they take the decision to burst it out. So they find simple or complicated solutions.
We all hear about big love stories, we all listen to them, but never take the time to take care of our own. 'I miss you' is a proof of feelings of great value, kept inside of a human, that can bearly find the courage to say it out loud....
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Baby did a bad, bad thing...
' -Who's Baby?
-Baby's ...cold. Baby's running to the point of no return. Baby's hiding away, in the corner of her weakend soul.
-Why, Baby?
-Baby did a bad, bad thing.... '
So, she got up from the bed, took her bag and ran outside in the world. Too much thoughts, too much narrow streets, too many shadows of the past behind her. Baby runs with no direction.
' -Where to, Baby?'
Baby stops.
' -It's time Baby stops. Baby stop! Stop, i said! '
Now she's HOME, no lights, no wind, only solitude and a whisper of a nice memory...
Monday, September 07, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Again..home is where the sea is...
I am leaving again to the seaside. This might be one of the last trips there. But i keep my hope that this is not true...
Expecting this to happen, i salute you...
Expecting this to happen, i salute you...
Friday, August 14, 2009
Let Love Rule...
I really enjoyd the weather from the last days. It was not too hot, but not too cold. Perfect for my feelings. My feelings of love, hate, memories and happy thoughts. I became nostalgical and reminiced times that are now in the past forever. I let them there, because to me they are now only memories. That's what the past becomes - memories. People change their life with simple words or by following short instincts. People decide what is good for them with only one blink of an eye. This way they start to love eachother, maybe children are born, families come together and life evoluates. But at some point you stop and wonder: How did i come here? When did all this things happen? What was i doing with my life? If you are lucky enough to find a way of life that you love, then you must be lucky enough to find also the courage to start living it!
Remember when you were in love for the first time? It was very hard to put an end to it, but after that the love went away and you didn't even notice... Or maybe the first love you had is right now standing beside you, looking at you with big eyes that give you the same feeling like at the beginning...
Love comes, Love goes. If you try to stop it, you become unhappy.
Let love rule...!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
It's all in my head...
Katie Melua - It's all in my head....
Every night we fall into bed,
But it's all in my head.
Every night we fall in a heap,
And you kiss me to sleep.
And baby all the sleepy things you say,
Blow me away.
Till the next day,
When I find what we did and we said,
Was all in my head.
Every night you whisper to me,
This always will be.
Every night you smooth down my hair,
But you're not really there.
And darling it seems as if we know,
Our love will grow.
And then the next day,
I find what we did and we said,
It was all in my head.
Drowsy, drinking,
I keep thinking,
We're not far apart.
Scared of waking,
Lonely, aching,
Just me and my hopeless heart.
Sleeping soundly,
Your arms around me...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sweet..../ Dulce...
The song went like this, right? "Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey". Am I writing about this because I'm just craving for some sweets? I know we all have cravings. And there is nothing better than that sweet mixture that comes to the rescue. A cake, a lollipop, maybe even an icecream can help sweeten the bitterness of certain situations. Sweets oftenly represent the ace up one's sleeve, "the cherry on top of the cake", the surprise element of a well thought-out meal. Some housewives cannot imagine not preparing something for desert at least once a week. But still, this habit has begun to disappear, perhaps because of the multitude of fast-food, restaurants or of the frozen foods we use or the little time we give ourselves each day for eating. We deserve to spoil ourselves and get away from the monotony of fries and steak, don't we? Do you remember the fudge candy or Cip? The Serbet and the Cremsnit? To some, these things used to represent moments of total relaxation, perhaps quality time spent with friends or lovers, at a confectionary in the corner of a street or in the livingroom. One thing is for sure: mother's cake will always taste the best!
Si in dulcea limba romaneasca:
Parca asa era nu? "Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey". Poate ca este un semn de pofta, daca va scriu despre dulce? Stiu ca toti avem pofte. Si nimic nu este mai indicat decat acea solutie salvatoare, care ne imbata gusturile, dulcele. O prajitura, o acadea, poate chiar si o inghetata, este modul in care putem cateodata sa indulcim amarul unei situatii sau al unui moment. Dulcele reperzinta de foarte multe ori, asul din maneca, "cireasa de pe tort", sau elementul supriza al unei mese bine pregatite. Unele gospodine nici nu concep sa nu pregateasca o prajitura sau o atentie macar o data pe saptamana. Dar acest obicei a cam disparut, poate din cauza aglomeratiei de fast food-uri, sau din cauza semipreparatelor sau a putinului timp pe care il acordam mesei zilnice. Papilele noastre gustative merita sa fie si ele rasfatate, merita sa iasa din monotonia cartofului prajit cu friptura, nu? Mai tineti minte bomboanele fondante, sau bombonelele Cip? Serbetul si Cremshnit-ul? Pentru unii aceste lucruri reprezentau odata momente de relaxare, poate chiar momente de calitate petrecute cu partenerul de viata sau familia, la o cofetarie in coltul strazii, sau in sufragerie. Cert este un lucru, pentru fiecare dintre noi: Tortul mamei va fie cel mai bun intotdeauna!!!
The song went like this, right? "Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey". Am I writing about this because I'm just craving for some sweets? I know we all have cravings. And there is nothing better than that sweet mixture that comes to the rescue. A cake, a lollipop, maybe even an icecream can help sweeten the bitterness of certain situations. Sweets oftenly represent the ace up one's sleeve, "the cherry on top of the cake", the surprise element of a well thought-out meal. Some housewives cannot imagine not preparing something for desert at least once a week. But still, this habit has begun to disappear, perhaps because of the multitude of fast-food, restaurants or of the frozen foods we use or the little time we give ourselves each day for eating. We deserve to spoil ourselves and get away from the monotony of fries and steak, don't we? Do you remember the fudge candy or Cip? The Serbet and the Cremsnit? To some, these things used to represent moments of total relaxation, perhaps quality time spent with friends or lovers, at a confectionary in the corner of a street or in the livingroom. One thing is for sure: mother's cake will always taste the best!
Si in dulcea limba romaneasca:
Parca asa era nu? "Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey". Poate ca este un semn de pofta, daca va scriu despre dulce? Stiu ca toti avem pofte. Si nimic nu este mai indicat decat acea solutie salvatoare, care ne imbata gusturile, dulcele. O prajitura, o acadea, poate chiar si o inghetata, este modul in care putem cateodata sa indulcim amarul unei situatii sau al unui moment. Dulcele reperzinta de foarte multe ori, asul din maneca, "cireasa de pe tort", sau elementul supriza al unei mese bine pregatite. Unele gospodine nici nu concep sa nu pregateasca o prajitura sau o atentie macar o data pe saptamana. Dar acest obicei a cam disparut, poate din cauza aglomeratiei de fast food-uri, sau din cauza semipreparatelor sau a putinului timp pe care il acordam mesei zilnice. Papilele noastre gustative merita sa fie si ele rasfatate, merita sa iasa din monotonia cartofului prajit cu friptura, nu? Mai tineti minte bomboanele fondante, sau bombonelele Cip? Serbetul si Cremshnit-ul? Pentru unii aceste lucruri reprezentau odata momente de relaxare, poate chiar momente de calitate petrecute cu partenerul de viata sau familia, la o cofetarie in coltul strazii, sau in sufragerie. Cert este un lucru, pentru fiecare dintre noi: Tortul mamei va fie cel mai bun intotdeauna!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
To Sum Up...
... I smiled to the Sun, he smiled back...
... I danced at 7:00 in the morning in the rain, on the beach...
... I understood why the sea is called The Black Sea... when, during the storm the sea turned it's coulour from blue-grey to black, in only 3 minutes, makeing me shiver and stunned.
... I found out now what my favourite drink is.
And all this, in a few hours...
'Till next time,
... I danced at 7:00 in the morning in the rain, on the beach...
... I understood why the sea is called The Black Sea... when, during the storm the sea turned it's coulour from blue-grey to black, in only 3 minutes, makeing me shiver and stunned.
... I found out now what my favourite drink is.
And all this, in a few hours...
'Till next time,
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Only to give you a push..../ Doar ca sa te incurajez...
To express yourself to public is for common people really hard. But this time i'm going to post something that not such a common woman wrote to me.
From Adriana about EmoLove to you, people...
'...and i have to explain?! I'll do my best, even though my writing skills applied on paper, stink.
"Emo" in my brain is translated in two sorts of feelings. First one is when i am emo in a way like 'my ships have gone down, so close to the shore' and whatever you would do to try and take me out of it, never will you succed. And the second feeling that describes Emo is the emotional one, with deed feelings.
About EmoLove...i see it as a phase of the begining n a relationship or 'whatever', when the butterflys go crazy in your stomach, when everybody smiles to you and everything goes smoothly, when you forget about all the other existential problems and 'why?!' in your everyday life.
The big shit is that EmoLove does not last forever, and this pragmatical way takes me directly to Emo phase 1.
Enough! I'm not so good in explaining..!
you should have said 'small article...''
Adriana, 15.07.2009
Si in Romaneste, ca merita rau!
..Hmmm si tre' sa explic?! O sa-mi dau silinta desi „harul meu scriitoricesc, in a-mi pune gandurile pe hartie, ,pute de la o posta”.
„Emo” in creierul meu se traduce prin 2 stari, starea 1 in care sunt emo ceva gen „mi-i s-au inecat corabiile la mal” si orice ai face n-o scoti la capat cu mine si starea 2 in care emo o definesc ca si stare emotionanta, emotiva.
EmoLove o vad ca si-o stare de inceput intr-o relatie sau intr-o „fie ea ce-o fi”, cand ai fluturi in stomac si toata lumea-ti pare ca-ti zambeste si toate-ti par „floare la ureche” pe langa problemele existentiale formate din „de ce”-uri pur si simplu idioate.Ce-i naspa e ca emo love doesn't last forever si partea asta pragmatica ma determina sa pic in emo-starea 1.
Gata! Nu-s buna la „iesplicat”!
Mic articol e mult spus! Trebuia sa specifici "minuscul".
Adriana, 15.07.2009
From Adriana about EmoLove to you, people...
'...and i have to explain?! I'll do my best, even though my writing skills applied on paper, stink.
"Emo" in my brain is translated in two sorts of feelings. First one is when i am emo in a way like 'my ships have gone down, so close to the shore' and whatever you would do to try and take me out of it, never will you succed. And the second feeling that describes Emo is the emotional one, with deed feelings.
About EmoLove...i see it as a phase of the begining n a relationship or 'whatever', when the butterflys go crazy in your stomach, when everybody smiles to you and everything goes smoothly, when you forget about all the other existential problems and 'why?!' in your everyday life.
The big shit is that EmoLove does not last forever, and this pragmatical way takes me directly to Emo phase 1.
Enough! I'm not so good in explaining..!
you should have said 'small article...''
Adriana, 15.07.2009
Si in Romaneste, ca merita rau!
..Hmmm si tre' sa explic?! O sa-mi dau silinta desi „harul meu scriitoricesc, in a-mi pune gandurile pe hartie, ,pute de la o posta”.
„Emo” in creierul meu se traduce prin 2 stari, starea 1 in care sunt emo ceva gen „mi-i s-au inecat corabiile la mal” si orice ai face n-o scoti la capat cu mine si starea 2 in care emo o definesc ca si stare emotionanta, emotiva.
EmoLove o vad ca si-o stare de inceput intr-o relatie sau intr-o „fie ea ce-o fi”, cand ai fluturi in stomac si toata lumea-ti pare ca-ti zambeste si toate-ti par „floare la ureche” pe langa problemele existentiale formate din „de ce”-uri pur si simplu idioate.Ce-i naspa e ca emo love doesn't last forever si partea asta pragmatica ma determina sa pic in emo-starea 1.
Gata! Nu-s buna la „iesplicat”!
Mic articol e mult spus! Trebuia sa specifici "minuscul".
Adriana, 15.07.2009
EmoPost - 'A Reason, a Season or a Lifetime'
'People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person..
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support,
To aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
This person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
Things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
Love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being a part of my life,
Whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime. '
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person..
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support,
To aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
This person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
Things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
Love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being a part of my life,
Whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime. '
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Let's Dribble..../ Sa Driblam...
De sute de ani toata lumea stie foarte bine: interesul poarta fesul. Dar oare, putem fi, pe romaneste spus, atat de perversi, incat sa ne traim viata doar cu gandul de a fi doar noi bine, necontand ceilalti de langa noi? Pentru unii este foarte usor de inteles o situatie de gen, si le este atat de simplu sa profite de bunatatea altora. Nu zic ca nu e bine sa fi un pic smecher, astfel incat sa te poti orienta. Consider ca nu este corect sa traiesti dupa astfel de principii, si mai ales sa te folosesti zilnic de ele. De la accesul la un job mai bun, pana la conceptul de "moka". Si se stie foarte clar: nimic nu e gratis in aceasta lume. Poate in alta viata, dar in aceasta, sigur nu. Poate chiar viata ne face sa ne ghidam dupa astfel de ratiuni, ne indeamna sa ne comportam astfel incat sa driblam tot ceea ce ne sta in cale, doar pentru a ne atinge scopurile, chiar si pe o cale marsaveasca. Stiu, "Hotul neprins, negustor cinstit", dar oare constiinta acestui hot, nu are un gabarit deja depasit? Si stiu ca sunt oameni fara remuscari, care pentru un lucru care i-ar favoriza, ar fi in stare sa taie in carne vie. Poate acolo, in lumea lor, legea este una, dar dupa fapta vine si rasplata.
This has been known for hundreds of years: "everybody is looking out for number 1". But can we really be so perverted that we live our lives only thinking of ourselves with absolutely no regard to those who are around us? To some, such a situation is perfectly understandable and they find it very easy to take advantage of other people's kindness. I'm not saying it is not ok to be a little "streetsmart" in order to get ahead. I feel that it's not right to live your life according to such principles and especially to use them daily. From getting a job to the concept of moka. And it is very clear that "there is no such thing as a free lunch". Perhaps in another life, but in this one, there surely isn't. Perhaps life itself makes us guide ourselves after these concepts, it pushes us to dribble and dodge all the obstacles we encounter on the way, just to get to our goals, even if we choose the wrong methods to do so. I know, "innocent until proven guilty", but the consciousness of the guilty doesn't get to difficult for him to bear? I know there are some people with no remorse, that would do absolutely anything for something that would be good for them. Perhaps there, in their world, there's only their law, but "as you sow so shall you reap".
This has been known for hundreds of years: "everybody is looking out for number 1". But can we really be so perverted that we live our lives only thinking of ourselves with absolutely no regard to those who are around us? To some, such a situation is perfectly understandable and they find it very easy to take advantage of other people's kindness. I'm not saying it is not ok to be a little "streetsmart" in order to get ahead. I feel that it's not right to live your life according to such principles and especially to use them daily. From getting a job to the concept of moka. And it is very clear that "there is no such thing as a free lunch". Perhaps in another life, but in this one, there surely isn't. Perhaps life itself makes us guide ourselves after these concepts, it pushes us to dribble and dodge all the obstacles we encounter on the way, just to get to our goals, even if we choose the wrong methods to do so. I know, "innocent until proven guilty", but the consciousness of the guilty doesn't get to difficult for him to bear? I know there are some people with no remorse, that would do absolutely anything for something that would be good for them. Perhaps there, in their world, there's only their law, but "as you sow so shall you reap".
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
To be fair.../ A fi cinstit...
It's still a nice Sunday. Quiet and a little sunny. No driving, no work, not a lot of things to do... Then what do you do when you have time on your hands?
I don't know about you all, but i think a lot. I think about he world arround me, about people and how things happen and then change, all of a sudden. Today i thought about how hard it is to be honest and fair. In any kind of situation, weather it's about a relationship, work or family, being fair is important. For me. But who am i to judge?
As i grow old, i find out that i'm not perfect. And even if i would like to think that all through my life i was onest and fair, it's time to addmit that i wasn't. But at least i have tried....
Usually, i hate when i see or feel deshonest stuff happening. I fight against them, but this takes a lot of my energy. I shouldn't even bother.
I guess that if one is not fair, somebody else will be harmed or affected, even in the smallest way. We choose to close our eyes to things that we know affect otheres, when inside we keep the power to make things correct.
Maybe not being fair has become a rule of life, but again, who am i to judge?
In the end, is it that hard to be fair?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Big Surpise..../O supriza placuta...
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
This song..../ Acest cantec...
In the Sun
by Chris Martin feat. Michael Stipe
I picture you in the sun wondering what went wrong,
And falling down on your knees asking for sympathy,
And being caught in between all you wish for and all you seen,
And trying to find anything you can feel that you can believe in.
May god's love be with you,
May gods love be with you.
I know I would apologize if I could see your eyes,
Cause when you showed me myself I became someone else.
But I was caught in between all you wish for and all you need.
I picture you fast asleep,
A nightmare comes.
You can't keep awake.
May god's love be with you.
May god's love be with you.
'cause if I find...
If I find my own way,
How much will I find?
If I find...
If I find my own way,
How much will I find
I don't know anymore
What it's for,
I'm not even sure
If there is anyone who is in the sun.
Will you help me to understand,
'cause I been caught in between all I wish for and all you need.
Maybe you're not even sure what it's for,
Any more than me....
by Chris Martin feat. Michael Stipe
I picture you in the sun wondering what went wrong,
And falling down on your knees asking for sympathy,
And being caught in between all you wish for and all you seen,
And trying to find anything you can feel that you can believe in.
May god's love be with you,
May gods love be with you.
I know I would apologize if I could see your eyes,
Cause when you showed me myself I became someone else.
But I was caught in between all you wish for and all you need.
I picture you fast asleep,
A nightmare comes.
You can't keep awake.
May god's love be with you.
May god's love be with you.
'cause if I find...
If I find my own way,
How much will I find?
If I find...
If I find my own way,
How much will I find
I don't know anymore
What it's for,
I'm not even sure
If there is anyone who is in the sun.
Will you help me to understand,
'cause I been caught in between all I wish for and all you need.
Maybe you're not even sure what it's for,
Any more than me....
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Cover your ears...
I was sitting earlier on the toilet and as usual i had a ideea. Dont laugh...because thats the place where 'things' happen. I said to myself: what if i cover my ears and judge the things arround me without hearing nothing...what will happen? How is it for the people that can not hear? Of course, more silent...but their world is more peacefull. Without people shouting, sounds of crashing or that kind of things. So i did the test and covered my ears with my hands for ten minutes. The result was quite unexpected: ten minutes of peace. Pure, silent and quiet peace. I saw new things also. When you can not hear, you tend to analise much more deeper the ones arround us. Gestures, way of smiling, way of reacting...all of that capture your attention all of a sudden. Now i have to take the hands from my ears and go back to the normal loud and noisy world...
......................We will hear eachother soon...............................
......................We will hear eachother soon...............................
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Keep on walking.../ Mergi inainte...
Today i saw a man crying. He was walking in front of my block with his head down. Mature, about 40 years old. He looked deeply and sadly into my eyes, then kept on walking. Maybe this is what we do also ... just like him, we cry and keep on walking... Maybe some of us have luck and smile once a day...maybe not. I don't know....
Friday, May 15, 2009
How crazy is'Crazy'? / Cat de crazy e 'Crazy'?
-"Crazy" is a song performed by American hard rock band Aerosmith and written by Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, and Desmond Child.
-"Crazy" is a ballad composed by Willie Nelson. It has been recorded by several artists, most notably by Patsy Cline, whose version was a #2 country hit in 1962.
...but also Crazy is:
- brainsick: affected with madness or insanity;
- bizarre or fantastic;
- someone deranged and possibly dangerous
- with great excitement or rage, foolish, wild, fantastic
'Craziness is not necesarely a bad thing, it just... is. And some people dare be crazy, while most wouldn't dream of putting one foot sideways from their usual path.'
Maybe that's what crazy is: to want to be free. A lot of people wouldn't cross the street for it...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
25 Years of my life and still...
When i was arround 22, at the party for my birthday i heared this song ..'25 years of my life and still...trying to get on the great big hill of hope, for a destination..' . Well, now i am 25. And? Time passed so quickly, just like a blink of an eye. I blinked once and i graduated highschool. I blinked the second time and university was over. With every blink that i make, time seems to never stop. What have i done in 25 years of life? I guess normal things... I lived my childhood happy, i've made a lot of friends wich in time were proven not to go with me to the same destiniation. But it was always nice to have the memories of them with me every day. I have learned about respect and mistakes. I did a lot of them .I try to learn even now from them. I had also the opportunity to visit a lot of places in this world. I had seasons in the sun, sleepless hot summer nights - their flavour will i never forget. I had the chance to gain experience with people and still loving to get to know the ones arround me. I loved a lot and again will i never stop! Loving kept me alive. It was my single motivation. Loving people, loving life, loving feelings, living moments at their fullest intensity, passion and a lot of intense moments. I learned how to keep my eyes closed when needed, but to open them and day-dream. The rest? Only stories to be told. I came to the best conclusion that in 25 years of life i have great memories and a lot of feelings... What will be in the future? Only time can tell...Time and life ...
Monday, May 04, 2009
If the night has high with her! / daca noaptea are tocuri ce nu am dansa-o?!
The night... Well, i think she is always present...sometimes we treat her just like she was a day. With respect, we stay up, we live it, we dance it, we even use her for our own special purposes. But somehow, she's always magical. Surrounds us with unknwown and mistery, showing us the right way through it. I for one like to follow the roads that she takes us...'dancing' from one feeling to another. That's why she's so lovley, to me. Because she gives us the feeling that we can dream without being bothered.
And if the night has high heels... why shouldn't we dance it?! Noapte buna....
Noaptea... Ei bine, cred ca ea este mereu prezenta...cateodata o tratam ca si cum ar fi zi. Cu respect, nu dormim, traim, dansam, o folosim chiar si pentru a ne implini trupeste. Dar oricand, ea este magica! Ne inconjoara cu necunoscut si mister, indicandu-ne calea cea dreapta pentru a putea pasi. Mie una imi place sa urmez caile noptii, oriunde m-ar duce ele...'dansand' de la un sentiment la altul. De aceea noaptea imi este atat de draga. Pentru ca ne da sentimentul ca putem visa fara o fi deranjati.
Si daca noaptea are tocuri ce nu am dansa-o?! Noapte buna...
And if the night has high heels... why shouldn't we dance it?! Noapte buna....
Noaptea... Ei bine, cred ca ea este mereu prezenta...cateodata o tratam ca si cum ar fi zi. Cu respect, nu dormim, traim, dansam, o folosim chiar si pentru a ne implini trupeste. Dar oricand, ea este magica! Ne inconjoara cu necunoscut si mister, indicandu-ne calea cea dreapta pentru a putea pasi. Mie una imi place sa urmez caile noptii, oriunde m-ar duce ele...'dansand' de la un sentiment la altul. De aceea noaptea imi este atat de draga. Pentru ca ne da sentimentul ca putem visa fara o fi deranjati.
Si daca noaptea are tocuri ce nu am dansa-o?! Noapte buna...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Headaches. Where do they come from, where do they go?/Durerile de cap. De unde vin si unde se duc?
Pppppfffff... guess who's back? The headache! I can't say that i have missed it though i was close to forgetting about my usual headaches. Today it happened. It was back! This mother f*c*er called Headache! Actually, this mornig i just said that it will pass in 2, 3 hours...but it didn't. And i also said that if i ignore it, then it will pass. But, ... it didn't.
Then i started to ask myself: where does it come from? Stress? Aglomeration? Too much thinking? Too much things to solve? Maybe i got a flue? Maybe it is comming from an open window? Or maybe i did not sleep that much last night. But the answers were all not so obvious to me, none of them could satisfy my biggest question : WHERE DO YOU COME FROM, lady Headache?! Heh, alcool was not an answer also, to my shame.
Ok! So.... what now? How do i make this go away? If i start thinking about solutions, it will for sure be much more intensive than it was untill now. What do i do? Is there anybody able to take it away, from inside my head? Does anybody have a solution? Where do i have to send this non-friendly 'thing'-headache?
Have a nice evening....
Pfffffff, ghici cine s-a-ntors?! Durerea de cap! Si nu pot spune ca mi-a fost dor de senzatiile 'tari' pe care mi le dadea, desi la un moment dat chiar uitasem de ea. Ei bine, azi s-a intamplat! Acest Mother Fu**er denimit Durere de cap. Azi de dimineata chiar am zis ca...hai, poate trece in 2 3 ore, dar n-a trecut. De altfel am zis ca o ignor si trece. S-a dovedit fals!
Apoi am inceput sa ma gandesc: de unde vin durerile de cap? Din cauza stress-ului, a aglomeratiei, al volumului mare de lucruri de rezolvat? M-a tras curentul? Am racit iar?! Sau, poate...n-am dormit destul azi-noapte (iar)! Dar raspunsurile nu mi s-au aratat, deci... am ramas cu cea mai mare intrebare a mea: De unde vii tu, durere de cap? Si mai ales, cum fac sa...DISPARI?! Nici macar alcoolul n-a reprezentat un raspuns - solutie de data aceasta.
Ok. Si acum?! Cum te fac sa te dizolvi? Daca incep sa ma gandesc la solutii am marea sansa de a imi intensifica durerea de cap. Asa ca va intreb pe voi: Ce fac? Exista cineva printre voi care are o solutie? Unde trebuie sa trimit aceasta 'deloc prietenoasa chestie' ?!
Seara buna...
Then i started to ask myself: where does it come from? Stress? Aglomeration? Too much thinking? Too much things to solve? Maybe i got a flue? Maybe it is comming from an open window? Or maybe i did not sleep that much last night. But the answers were all not so obvious to me, none of them could satisfy my biggest question : WHERE DO YOU COME FROM, lady Headache?! Heh, alcool was not an answer also, to my shame.
Ok! So.... what now? How do i make this go away? If i start thinking about solutions, it will for sure be much more intensive than it was untill now. What do i do? Is there anybody able to take it away, from inside my head? Does anybody have a solution? Where do i have to send this non-friendly 'thing'-headache?
Have a nice evening....
Pfffffff, ghici cine s-a-ntors?! Durerea de cap! Si nu pot spune ca mi-a fost dor de senzatiile 'tari' pe care mi le dadea, desi la un moment dat chiar uitasem de ea. Ei bine, azi s-a intamplat! Acest Mother Fu**er denimit Durere de cap. Azi de dimineata chiar am zis ca...hai, poate trece in 2 3 ore, dar n-a trecut. De altfel am zis ca o ignor si trece. S-a dovedit fals!
Apoi am inceput sa ma gandesc: de unde vin durerile de cap? Din cauza stress-ului, a aglomeratiei, al volumului mare de lucruri de rezolvat? M-a tras curentul? Am racit iar?! Sau, poate...n-am dormit destul azi-noapte (iar)! Dar raspunsurile nu mi s-au aratat, deci... am ramas cu cea mai mare intrebare a mea: De unde vii tu, durere de cap? Si mai ales, cum fac sa...DISPARI?! Nici macar alcoolul n-a reprezentat un raspuns - solutie de data aceasta.
Ok. Si acum?! Cum te fac sa te dizolvi? Daca incep sa ma gandesc la solutii am marea sansa de a imi intensifica durerea de cap. Asa ca va intreb pe voi: Ce fac? Exista cineva printre voi care are o solutie? Unde trebuie sa trimit aceasta 'deloc prietenoasa chestie' ?!
Seara buna...
Friday, April 24, 2009
WELCOME to our world....! / BINE AI VENIT in lumea noastra!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Don't forget, Easter.../ Nu uita, de Paste...
Easter passed. I didn't prepare myself, like i used to do every year. And i also forgot to do all the religious things related to Easter. Eh, who's going to judge me? GOD?! Heh, for this Easter, Jesus was busy. He was in Heaven! BUT so was I....!Christos a inviat!
A trecut si Pastele. Am sarit lejer cu pregatirle pe care le faceam in fiecare an, pentru aceasta sarbatoare. Nu am tinut post si nici macar oua nu am vopsit. Dar cine sa ma judece? DUMNEZEU?! Heh, de acest Paste, IIsus a fost ocupat. Era in Rai! Dar la fel eram si eu...!
Christos a inviat!
A trecut si Pastele. Am sarit lejer cu pregatirle pe care le faceam in fiecare an, pentru aceasta sarbatoare. Nu am tinut post si nici macar oua nu am vopsit. Dar cine sa ma judece? DUMNEZEU?! Heh, de acest Paste, IIsus a fost ocupat. Era in Rai! Dar la fel eram si eu...!
Christos a inviat!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Nothing to say.../Nimic de spus...
I have nothing to say. I'm just listening to a song on repeat, with a funny videoclip in a language that i try so much to understand. But little by little, as a friend used to say, things will be understood. So will this song be. Having the intention to do some 'couching' tonight and wishing you all the best... Sori sleeps...
N-am nimic de zis. Ascult numai o piesa pe repeat, cu un videoclip funny ,piesa fiind intr-o limba pe care incerc sa o inteleg. Usor - usor, asa cum imi sfatuia un prieten, lucrurile se inteleg. La fel ca si acest cantec. Indreptandu-ma spre niste 'couching' - a sta pe canapea va urez toate bune... Sori doarme...
N-am nimic de zis. Ascult numai o piesa pe repeat, cu un videoclip funny ,piesa fiind intr-o limba pe care incerc sa o inteleg. Usor - usor, asa cum imi sfatuia un prieten, lucrurile se inteleg. La fel ca si acest cantec. Indreptandu-ma spre niste 'couching' - a sta pe canapea va urez toate bune... Sori doarme...
Monday, April 06, 2009
Friday, April 03, 2009
Let the sunshine in.../ Lasa soarele sa intre...
:)let's have a great week-end! Let's enjoy the spring that just came and laugh with our mouhts up to our ears... Let's smile and be happy... Let us open our windows and welcome the fresh air into our rooms...'Cause life should be joy and happynes, not sorrow and regrets!
:) sa fie acesta un week-end de pomina! Sa ne bucuram de primavara care tocmai a venit si sa radem cu gura pana la urechi...Sa zambim si sa fim fericiti...Sa deschidem geamurile si sa lasam aerul curat sa intre in camere...Pentru ca viata ar trebui sa fie plina de bucurie si zambete, nu regrete si amar!
:) sa fie acesta un week-end de pomina! Sa ne bucuram de primavara care tocmai a venit si sa radem cu gura pana la urechi...Sa zambim si sa fim fericiti...Sa deschidem geamurile si sa lasam aerul curat sa intre in camere...Pentru ca viata ar trebui sa fie plina de bucurie si zambete, nu regrete si amar!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Are yours short? / Ale tale sunt scurte?
So...i said 'Short thoughts', but are they really short? Mine ar not, but i try to make them simplier and shorter. Are yours short?
Following the concept "Show me yours, (maybe) i'll show you mine..." i'm going to write a few of my ideas:
- i went shopping, now i feel better. Does that make me a true woman?
- i saw the sunset a few moments ago. And it was so quiet and peacefull. Does that make me a romantic?
- i danced when i was driving. Does that make me crazy?
- i'm smoking like a turkish man. Will i get cancer?
- i love to smile to unknown people. Does that help me?
- i drink a lot of tee. Will i ever drink a lot of coffe?
- i am still wishing for red hair again. Will i ever grow up?
- i'm a sucker for seaside. Will i ever eat fish?
- i love to look people in the eyes. Will they ever look in mine?
- people say i'm complicated. Will they ever finish 'the puzzle' that i am?
Pff...this was not so short...
Now it's your turn...
Si varianta in romaneste, ... zis 'Ganduri scurte', nu ca ar fi vre-o data, dar incerc si eu sa le mai scurtez. Mergand pe principiul "Arata-mi tu, apoi iti arat si eu", va expun cateva din gandurile mele rapide, intr-o tarzie seara de Luni...
- am fost la cumparaturi, iar acum ma simt extraordinar. Inseamna ca reprezint tipicul feminin?
- am vazut apusul soarelui acum cateva minute, si a fost atat de liniste si pace. Inseamna ca sunt o romantica incurabila?
- am dansat in timp ce conduceam. Sunt nebuna?
- fumez ca un turc. O sa fac cancer?
- imi place sa zambesc oamenilor necunoscuti. Ma ajuta la ceva?
- beau o tona de ceai. O sa beau o tona de cafea?
- inca imi doresc parul rosu. O sa maturizez in viata asta vre-o data?
- sunt innebunita dupa mare. O sa mananc peste in viata asta?
- imi place la nebunie sa privesc oamenii in ochi. Ei ma vor privi pe mine?
- oamenii zic ca-s complicata. Vor termina ei puzzle-ul meu?
Pff.. n-a fost prea scurt...
Acum e randul tau...
Following the concept "Show me yours, (maybe) i'll show you mine..." i'm going to write a few of my ideas:
- i went shopping, now i feel better. Does that make me a true woman?
- i saw the sunset a few moments ago. And it was so quiet and peacefull. Does that make me a romantic?
- i danced when i was driving. Does that make me crazy?
- i'm smoking like a turkish man. Will i get cancer?
- i love to smile to unknown people. Does that help me?
- i drink a lot of tee. Will i ever drink a lot of coffe?
- i am still wishing for red hair again. Will i ever grow up?
- i'm a sucker for seaside. Will i ever eat fish?
- i love to look people in the eyes. Will they ever look in mine?
- people say i'm complicated. Will they ever finish 'the puzzle' that i am?
Pff...this was not so short...
Now it's your turn...
Si varianta in romaneste, ... zis 'Ganduri scurte', nu ca ar fi vre-o data, dar incerc si eu sa le mai scurtez. Mergand pe principiul "Arata-mi tu, apoi iti arat si eu", va expun cateva din gandurile mele rapide, intr-o tarzie seara de Luni...
- am fost la cumparaturi, iar acum ma simt extraordinar. Inseamna ca reprezint tipicul feminin?
- am vazut apusul soarelui acum cateva minute, si a fost atat de liniste si pace. Inseamna ca sunt o romantica incurabila?
- am dansat in timp ce conduceam. Sunt nebuna?
- fumez ca un turc. O sa fac cancer?
- imi place sa zambesc oamenilor necunoscuti. Ma ajuta la ceva?
- beau o tona de ceai. O sa beau o tona de cafea?
- inca imi doresc parul rosu. O sa maturizez in viata asta vre-o data?
- sunt innebunita dupa mare. O sa mananc peste in viata asta?
- imi place la nebunie sa privesc oamenii in ochi. Ei ma vor privi pe mine?
- oamenii zic ca-s complicata. Vor termina ei puzzle-ul meu?
Pff.. n-a fost prea scurt...
Acum e randul tau...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
.... Smile.
A few days ago i received a very nice and appropriate ghift. I felt really impressed, not just because of the ghift but the intention and way of giving wwere the ones that struk me in the most nicest way. It came in a moment when i was thinking that i was giving again all and nothing was going to come back to me in the end. This has raised my spirit and made me smile like i haven't smiled in a while. It's not about the big things i was used to handle, but for the small ones i learned how to adjust. For me, little things count. It gave me power. There are some more things we should take the time to discover in the ones close to us. Is it a problem about trust or about how to earn it? My lack of trust in people, well day maybe somebody will gain it for real...untill then, nothing but respect and admiration.
Acum cateva zile, intr-un moment in care simteam ca iar daruiesc totul si nimic nu se va intoarce inapoi la mine, sub o forma sau alta, am primit un cadou care m-a facut sa zambesc cum nu am mai zambit de ceva vreme. Nu cadoul in sine m-a impresionat, desi valoarea lui este una zicem sentimentala. Impresionata am fost de intentia si simplitattea modalitatii in care mi-a fost daruit. Aceste doua lucruri mici si simple m-au facut sa ma simt puternica. Pentru ca nu pun accent pe lucrurile mari de care trebuie sa am grija, tinandu-le pe cele mici mai aproape de inima. Maruntele si insesizabilele lucruri pe care am invatat sa le iau in seama. Pentru mine ele conteaza. Sunt cu siguranta multe alte lucruri pe care ar trebui sa le descoperim la persoanele pe care le tinem aproape de noi. Oare este vorba despre bariera neincrederii sau poate despre modalitatea de a castiga increderea cuiva?
Despre lipsa mea de incredere in oameni...pai...cineva intr-o zi senina si cu soare o va castiga cu siguranta. Pana atunci...tot respectul si admiratia mea...
Acum cateva zile, intr-un moment in care simteam ca iar daruiesc totul si nimic nu se va intoarce inapoi la mine, sub o forma sau alta, am primit un cadou care m-a facut sa zambesc cum nu am mai zambit de ceva vreme. Nu cadoul in sine m-a impresionat, desi valoarea lui este una zicem sentimentala. Impresionata am fost de intentia si simplitattea modalitatii in care mi-a fost daruit. Aceste doua lucruri mici si simple m-au facut sa ma simt puternica. Pentru ca nu pun accent pe lucrurile mari de care trebuie sa am grija, tinandu-le pe cele mici mai aproape de inima. Maruntele si insesizabilele lucruri pe care am invatat sa le iau in seama. Pentru mine ele conteaza. Sunt cu siguranta multe alte lucruri pe care ar trebui sa le descoperim la persoanele pe care le tinem aproape de noi. Oare este vorba despre bariera neincrederii sau poate despre modalitatea de a castiga increderea cuiva?
Despre lipsa mea de incredere in oameni...pai...cineva intr-o zi senina si cu soare o va castiga cu siguranta. Pana atunci...tot respectul si admiratia mea...
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Tell me... Do we?!
You know how it feels when all of them come together? Do you know how it feels when you simply have to accept the fact that your head knwos you have to pass on a chance that your heart screems for?! This torture of pleasure you must put up with...these feelings that burst somehow from time to time...
It's in one's natural way to be, because we all have feelings, and for sure it always has to be a "BUT" involved, we retain ourselves from acting natural and simple. We think, we imagine, we even try to find solutions for our feelings...but never do we put them in practice. Situations and situations, hunger of love, lust and hope, desire of closness...all of them burts inside us at som point. Do we have to be strong? Do we have to keep our heads up and ignore all of that? Tell me... do we?!
Si bineinteles in Romana:
Stii cum este atunci cand toate se aduna? Stii cum este sa te aflii in situatia in care trebuie sa iti asculti capul si nu Inima? Chiar daca ea urla dupa tot ceea ce iti doresti? Aceasta tortura a placerii cu care trebuie sa lupti, aceste sentimente care din cand in cand, explodeza...
Sta in comportamentul fiecarui om de a avea sentimente si dorinte, dar intotdeauna trebuie sa existe un "DAR" implicat care ne determina sa ne abtinem de la tot ceea ce ne-ar face fericiti. Gandim, ne imaginam ba chiar cautam solutii pentru a 'rezolva' aceste sentimente, ...dar nu le punem in practica. Situatii si situatii, foamea de dragoste si dorinta de apropiere, setea de senzualitate...ele toate explodeaza inauntrul nostru. Chiar trebuie sa fim puternici? Chiar trebuie sa tinem capul sus si sa ignoram toate astea? Spune-mi...trebuie?!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Rusine de primavara.../Spring's shame...
Shame! on who? On me... Why? I'll tell you guys why... because i got lost in time... i only remembered that today the Spring starts just for the simple reason that a child brought me flowers. And his cheeks were red, screaming of health and happiness. I was ashamed again, just for the simple reason that i forgot about the simple facts in life. Spring came! I should be opening the windows so the Sun could come and kindly tickle my eyelashes in the morning... But me, instead, what am i doing?! Forgetting... Shame , Shame, Shame...
SI bineinteles, variana in romana....
Rusine! Cui? Mie...De ce? Va spun imediat...pentru ca iar m-am ratacit in timp. Mi-am adus aminte ca azi incepe primavara doar in momentul in care un copil ai carui obraji urlau de sanatate si fericire, mi-a adus un buchetele de zambile. Am fost rusinata iar, doar pentru ca am uitat de lucruile simple de care odionioara ma bucuram. Ar trebui sa deschid dimineata ferestrele si sa las Soarele sa-mi gadile pleoapele, alintindu-ma usor...dar in schimb, eu ce fac?! Uit Uit Uit ... Rusine!
SI bineinteles, variana in romana....
Rusine! Cui? Mie...De ce? Va spun imediat...pentru ca iar m-am ratacit in timp. Mi-am adus aminte ca azi incepe primavara doar in momentul in care un copil ai carui obraji urlau de sanatate si fericire, mi-a adus un buchetele de zambile. Am fost rusinata iar, doar pentru ca am uitat de lucruile simple de care odionioara ma bucuram. Ar trebui sa deschid dimineata ferestrele si sa las Soarele sa-mi gadile pleoapele, alintindu-ma usor...dar in schimb, eu ce fac?! Uit Uit Uit ... Rusine!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Don't forget to not forget about yourself...
Yes, we sometimes forget. It's only human to forget things, names, ideas or feelings. I've noticed that lately, people tend to forget to be happy. They simply forget to do things for themselves, for their own comfort. For the soul must also be fed from time to time, and not just the stomach. We sometimes wish to forget. We generally avoid remembering bad things or times when we were hurt. But all these things come back without us pushing the 'forget' button. It's just like in the saying: "You cannot escape your fears". Perhaps some use their fears to stay focused and alert. Everyone should know that only through exercising it, will the mind sharpen. We may forget important things. And if we tend to forget, we can simply loose our heads. The past is actually the base for the present. And if we forget the past, will the present still have a solid basis? Someone once told me: "Don't forget to not forget about yourself." Perhaps when forgetting about ourselves, we go back in the past.
Si bineinteles varianta in Romana...
Da, Uneori uitam. Si este pur omenesc sa uiti, de la amanunte la nume, de la idei la sentimente. Am observat in ultima vreme ca oamenii au tendinta de a uita sa fie fericiti. Uita pur si simplu sa faca lucruri pentru ei, pentru confortul lor si bunastarea sufletului. Pentru ca si sufletul trebuie hranit din cand in cand, nu doar stomacul. Cateodata ne dorim sa uitam. In general evitam sa ne aducem aminte de lucruri rele, sentimente de suferinta, perioade ale vietii cand poate nu eram in regula. Dar toate aceste lucruri vin inapoi fara ca noi sa apasam pe butonul uitarii. Exact ca in zicala : "De ce ti-e frica, nu scapi." Poate ca unii folosesc uitarea ca un mod de a-si tine mintea clara si focusata. Dar orice om trebuie sa stie ca doar prin exerciutiu isi poate forma acuratetea mintii. Iar daca uitam, putem ajunge sa ne uitam si capul. Si cand iti uiti capul, atunci urmeaza si sufletul, inevitabil. Tot ceea ce dam uitarii, nu va dispare niciodata. Si poate tot ceea ce inseamna trecut, este de fapt baza prezentului. Iar daca dam uitarii trecutul, oare prezentul va mai fi bazat pe ceva solid? Un calator prin viata mi-a zis oadata : "Nu uita sa nu uiti de tine". Poate ca atunci cand uitam de noi, ne reintoarcem in trecut.
Si bineinteles varianta in Romana...
Da, Uneori uitam. Si este pur omenesc sa uiti, de la amanunte la nume, de la idei la sentimente. Am observat in ultima vreme ca oamenii au tendinta de a uita sa fie fericiti. Uita pur si simplu sa faca lucruri pentru ei, pentru confortul lor si bunastarea sufletului. Pentru ca si sufletul trebuie hranit din cand in cand, nu doar stomacul. Cateodata ne dorim sa uitam. In general evitam sa ne aducem aminte de lucruri rele, sentimente de suferinta, perioade ale vietii cand poate nu eram in regula. Dar toate aceste lucruri vin inapoi fara ca noi sa apasam pe butonul uitarii. Exact ca in zicala : "De ce ti-e frica, nu scapi." Poate ca unii folosesc uitarea ca un mod de a-si tine mintea clara si focusata. Dar orice om trebuie sa stie ca doar prin exerciutiu isi poate forma acuratetea mintii. Iar daca uitam, putem ajunge sa ne uitam si capul. Si cand iti uiti capul, atunci urmeaza si sufletul, inevitabil. Tot ceea ce dam uitarii, nu va dispare niciodata. Si poate tot ceea ce inseamna trecut, este de fapt baza prezentului. Iar daca dam uitarii trecutul, oare prezentul va mai fi bazat pe ceva solid? Un calator prin viata mi-a zis oadata : "Nu uita sa nu uiti de tine". Poate ca atunci cand uitam de noi, ne reintoarcem in trecut.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Silent all these years - Tori Amos & Leonard Cohen
Excuse me but can I be you for a while, my dog won't bite if you sit, real still. I got the anti-Christ in the kitchen yellin' at me again yeah, I can hear that been saved again by the garbage truck .
I got something to say you know, but nothing comes, yes I know what you think of me you never shut up. yeah I can hear that but, what if I'm a mermaid in these jeans of his with her name still on it hey but, I don't care cause sometimes I said sometimes I hear my voice and it's been here, silent all these years....
So you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts? what's so amazing about really deep thoughts boy? You best pray that I bleed real soon... how's that thought for you? My scream got lost in a paper cup. You think there's a heaven where some screams have gone... I got 25 bucks and a cracker do you think it's enough to get us there? Years go by ... will I still be waiting for somebody else to understand... years go by if I'm stripped of my beauty and the orange clouds raining in my head... years go by will I choke on my tears till finally there is nothing left... one more casualty. You know... we're too easy ....
Well I love the way we communicate, your eyes focus on my funny lip shape. Let's hear what you think of me now but baby don't look up the sky is falling. Your mother
shows up in a nasty dress, it's your turn now to stand where I stand. Everybody lookin' at you... here take hold of my hand. Yeah. I can hear them...
I got something to say you know, but nothing comes, yes I know what you think of me you never shut up. yeah I can hear that but, what if I'm a mermaid in these jeans of his with her name still on it hey but, I don't care cause sometimes I said sometimes I hear my voice and it's been here, silent all these years....
So you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts? what's so amazing about really deep thoughts boy? You best pray that I bleed real soon... how's that thought for you? My scream got lost in a paper cup. You think there's a heaven where some screams have gone... I got 25 bucks and a cracker do you think it's enough to get us there? Years go by ... will I still be waiting for somebody else to understand... years go by if I'm stripped of my beauty and the orange clouds raining in my head... years go by will I choke on my tears till finally there is nothing left... one more casualty. You know... we're too easy ....
Well I love the way we communicate, your eyes focus on my funny lip shape. Let's hear what you think of me now but baby don't look up the sky is falling. Your mother
shows up in a nasty dress, it's your turn now to stand where I stand. Everybody lookin' at you... here take hold of my hand. Yeah. I can hear them...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Here's for the crazy ones....
Because i like to share, here's a little poem i found...
Here’s to the crazy ones...
The misfits.The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do...
Here’s to the crazy ones...
The misfits.The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Night...
Although while I'm writing these lines, there's still daylight outside, I wish it was night. Because at night I feel good. The night represents the time when we are relaxed, when we think, when we recover. It has the power to sometimes make everything all right and any problem disappear. Although many are afraid of the night, I always gladly wait for it. I find it easier to breathe at night, when I don't hear all the buzzing of the cars and I'm not bothered by the staleness of the dusty streets. And yes, the night is romantic - another reason for my love of it. To some, it became the chance to take shelter from all the problems and to just relax, whereas for others, the night is the time to take care of the rest of their affairs which come up in everyday life. There was a song which went like this: "The night, always a good friend, a glass of wine and the lights down low...", and I remember I was charmed by it. The night isn't just a full moon surrounded by a sea of stars filling the sky, but also it's about charm and magic. Indeed, something always happens during the night, a light flickers, something dies or is born. Though it seems peaceful, the night is always...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
in need of change,
in need of trouble,
in need of looking,
i'm just laughing.
in need of blessing,
in need of couressing,
in need of me, inside you,
in need of her,to leave you.
in need of trouble,
in need of looking,
i'm just laughing.
in need of blessing,
in need of couressing,
in need of me, inside you,
in need of her,to leave you.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Since it is a fairly common feature of people in general, I decided to write about it today. When it comes to people, I like to search deep within their very essence, therefore I thought that the one thing we all keep hidden and we consider a sign of weakness, is our vulnerability. In those moments in which vulnerability is shown, as people, we get a chance to really know personalities around us; for it is the appropriate moment for confessions and also displays of sensibility. And surprises just keep on coming because vulnerability is like a gateway of the human soul. It must not be looked upon as a bad thing, because being sensitive does not mean not being strong, and under no circumstances does it mean that people should take advantage of such moments. And because we are people, and not robots, nobody forbids us to display sensibility or to unmask our true personalities in front of everybody else. A while ago I've asked a man if he ever cries and he said "No. Never." I realized that he was lying. We cannot act indifferently to the bad things that happen around us. In the end this is the way we are, with both good and bad, and masks are merely an option.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
It's the end of the world, as we know it...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tom Waits and me...
Cum sa incep?... ASA:
Am un prieten. Bun ce-i drept. Prietenul acesta asculta Tom Waits si acum un an a binevoit sa-mi trimita si mie cam toata discografia. Ei bine, dupa un an de zile, caci atat mi-a trebuit sa-mi aduc aminte de Tom Waits, l-am descoperit si eu pe acest artist... Discografia s-a dus pe apa sambetei odata cu hardu' meu plin... Dar mi-am revizuit atitudinea si am scos din nou de pe net cateva din piesele lui Tom dat peste piesa asta si am purces la gandit. Vi-o las si voua aici...poate asa o sa descoperiti si voi lucruri despre care eu uitasem.
Somn bun...
Am un prieten. Bun ce-i drept. Prietenul acesta asculta Tom Waits si acum un an a binevoit sa-mi trimita si mie cam toata discografia. Ei bine, dupa un an de zile, caci atat mi-a trebuit sa-mi aduc aminte de Tom Waits, l-am descoperit si eu pe acest artist... Discografia s-a dus pe apa sambetei odata cu hardu' meu plin... Dar mi-am revizuit atitudinea si am scos din nou de pe net cateva din piesele lui Tom dat peste piesa asta si am purces la gandit. Vi-o las si voua aici...poate asa o sa descoperiti si voi lucruri despre care eu uitasem.
Somn bun...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Felul in care...
*Nota - si citeste...
...tragea din tigara si cum buzele carnoase i se mulau de 100's-urile ei favorite.
...isi intindea gatul, stiind mereu ca el e acolo si ii va observa suavitatea gesturilor.
...scotea fumul sacadat, facind cerculet dupa cerculet, sub atentia-i obisnuita.
...isi misca umarul dezgolit la auzul viorilor. privea fix in ochi, simtind fiecare gand ce salasluia in spatele lor.
...isi musca coltul buzei de jos pana la stratul de carne vie, cu pofta si pasiune, doar pentru a-i arata cat de mult il dorea.
...ii urmarea liniile de pe chip, cu ochii inchisi.
...mustacea zambind la fiecare atingere suava.
...ii intuia miscarile si dorintele.
...tot ceea ce simtea era transpus pe figura ei, fara perdea si fara retinere.
...isi arcuia spatele mangaiat de degetele lui lungi si moi.
...stia sa se joace cu gandurile si simtirile lui.
...tragea din tigara si cum buzele carnoase i se mulau de 100's-urile ei favorite.
...isi intindea gatul, stiind mereu ca el e acolo si ii va observa suavitatea gesturilor.
...scotea fumul sacadat, facind cerculet dupa cerculet, sub atentia-i obisnuita.
...isi misca umarul dezgolit la auzul viorilor. privea fix in ochi, simtind fiecare gand ce salasluia in spatele lor.
...isi musca coltul buzei de jos pana la stratul de carne vie, cu pofta si pasiune, doar pentru a-i arata cat de mult il dorea.
...ii urmarea liniile de pe chip, cu ochii inchisi.
...mustacea zambind la fiecare atingere suava.
...ii intuia miscarile si dorintele.
...tot ceea ce simtea era transpus pe figura ei, fara perdea si fara retinere.
...isi arcuia spatele mangaiat de degetele lui lungi si moi.
...stia sa se joace cu gandurile si simtirile lui.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Oldies R.I.P. ...
Este sambata dupa amiaza, si pentru diseara am un plan...
E iarna, sau cel putin incearca. In fiecare iarna, imi aduc aminte de Oldies. Era odata un club...acum e o bodega naspa. Ca deh, orice miracol tine putin, sau oricum nu tine...
Imi aduc aminte de cum am intrat prima oara acolo, de cum dansau cei peste 400 de oameni care veneau constant. Imi aduc aminte cu ce drag mergeam. Formam gasca dupa gasca si dansam, radeam si plecam fericiti. Rememorez toate intamplarile prin care am trecut, toti oamenii pe care i-am cunoscut acolo, intr-un cuvant sunt nostalgica si mi-e dor de sentimentul pe care-l aveam. Ascultam acolo Shakin' Stevens cu placere si ma bucuram nespus sa aud muzica de calitate pe care stiam ca numai acolo o voi gasi, seara de seara. Imi aduc aminte de altfel cum tot acolo m-am indragostit... si ce bucuroasa eram pentru asta, de toate 'jocurile' pe care le 'jucam'. And for tonight i'm gonna rock for all the good times i spent there...
Now Oldies is R.I.P., ....
Numai bine...
E iarna, sau cel putin incearca. In fiecare iarna, imi aduc aminte de Oldies. Era odata un club...acum e o bodega naspa. Ca deh, orice miracol tine putin, sau oricum nu tine...
Imi aduc aminte de cum am intrat prima oara acolo, de cum dansau cei peste 400 de oameni care veneau constant. Imi aduc aminte cu ce drag mergeam. Formam gasca dupa gasca si dansam, radeam si plecam fericiti. Rememorez toate intamplarile prin care am trecut, toti oamenii pe care i-am cunoscut acolo, intr-un cuvant sunt nostalgica si mi-e dor de sentimentul pe care-l aveam. Ascultam acolo Shakin' Stevens cu placere si ma bucuram nespus sa aud muzica de calitate pe care stiam ca numai acolo o voi gasi, seara de seara. Imi aduc aminte de altfel cum tot acolo m-am indragostit... si ce bucuroasa eram pentru asta, de toate 'jocurile' pe care le 'jucam'. And for tonight i'm gonna rock for all the good times i spent there...
Now Oldies is R.I.P., ....
Numai bine...
Monday, January 05, 2009
Pentru cei care inca mai cred in "HOME MADE"... luati de cumparati, i know i mi s-a parut super tare ideea. Tipa munceste cinstit, isi valorifica talentul si mai face si bani din asta. Felicitarile mele!
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Invatind sa nu mai bag de seama...
...undeva acum 4 5 ani, am invatat sa fiu cu adevarat atenta. Si nu-mi scapa absolut nimic. Ii enervam pe cei din jurul meu, desi acest lucru poate ii ajuta si pe ei. Intre timp, lucrurile s-au schimbat si la fel ca oricere alt om de pe pamant am evoluat. Am schimbat medii, am intalnit oameni noi, i-am iubit si inca-i iubesc. Contrar, au fost multi pe care i-am trecut de la "vechi" in sertarul uitarii...Ce vreau eu sa zic de fapt este ca, o data cu aceste noi experiente, am trait-o si pe cea a coincidentelor. Mi-o aduc aminte pe prima, care m-a lovit in moalele capului. Mi-o aduc aminte in fiecare zi si noaptea inainte sa adorm. Dar am ajuns la concluzia ca nu-mi foloseste la nimic aceasta amintire si ca ar trebui sa o pun si pe ea in acel sertar al ideea nu-mi incanta sufletul sub nici o forma. De fiecare data cand imi taie calea cate o astfel de coincidenta, am tendinta sa ma leg de ea. Dar acum stiu ca trebuie doar sa deschid sertarul, si sa o pun langa toate celelalte lucruri "uitate". Pentru ca din cand in cand e bine sa mai si uiti...
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