Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sweet..../ Dulce...


The song went like this, right? "Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey". Am I writing about this because I'm just craving for some sweets? I know we all have cravings. And there is nothing better than that sweet mixture that comes to the rescue. A cake, a lollipop, maybe even an icecream can help sweeten the bitterness of certain situations. Sweets oftenly represent the ace up one's sleeve, "the cherry on top of the cake", the surprise element of a well thought-out meal. Some housewives cannot imagine not preparing something for desert at least once a week. But still, this habit has begun to disappear, perhaps because of the multitude of fast-food, restaurants or of the frozen foods we use or the little time we give ourselves each day for eating. We deserve to spoil ourselves and get away from the monotony of fries and steak, don't we? Do you remember the fudge candy or Cip? The Serbet and the Cremsnit? To some, these things used to represent moments of total relaxation, perhaps quality time spent with friends or lovers, at a confectionary in the corner of a street or in the livingroom. One thing is for sure: mother's cake will always taste the best!

Si in dulcea limba romaneasca:


Parca asa era nu? "Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey". Poate ca este un semn de pofta, daca va scriu despre dulce? Stiu ca toti avem pofte. Si nimic nu este mai indicat decat acea solutie salvatoare, care ne imbata gusturile, dulcele. O prajitura, o acadea, poate chiar si o inghetata, este modul in care putem cateodata sa indulcim amarul unei situatii sau al unui moment. Dulcele reperzinta de foarte multe ori, asul din maneca, "cireasa de pe tort", sau elementul supriza al unei mese bine pregatite. Unele gospodine nici nu concep sa nu pregateasca o prajitura sau o atentie macar o data pe saptamana. Dar acest obicei a cam disparut, poate din cauza aglomeratiei de fast food-uri, sau din cauza semipreparatelor sau a putinului timp pe care il acordam mesei zilnice. Papilele noastre gustative merita sa fie si ele rasfatate, merita sa iasa din monotonia cartofului prajit cu friptura, nu? Mai tineti minte bomboanele fondante, sau bombonelele Cip? Serbetul si Cremshnit-ul? Pentru unii aceste lucruri reprezentau odata momente de relaxare, poate chiar momente de calitate petrecute cu partenerul de viata sau familia, la o cofetarie in coltul strazii, sau in sufragerie. Cert este un lucru, pentru fiecare dintre noi: Tortul mamei va fie cel mai bun intotdeauna!!!

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