Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Headaches. Where do they come from, where do they go?/Durerile de cap. De unde vin si unde se duc?

Pppppfffff... guess who's back? The headache! I can't say that i have missed it though i was close to forgetting about my usual headaches. Today it happened. It was back! This mother f*c*er called Headache! Actually, this mornig i just said that it will pass in 2, 3 hours...but it didn't. And i also said that if i ignore it, then it will pass. But, ... it didn't.
Then i started to ask myself: where does it come from? Stress? Aglomeration? Too much thinking? Too much things to solve? Maybe i got a flue? Maybe it is comming from an open window? Or maybe i did not sleep that much last night. But the answers were all not so obvious to me, none of them could satisfy my biggest question : WHERE DO YOU COME FROM, lady Headache?! Heh, alcool was not an answer also, to my shame.
Ok! So.... what now? How do i make this go away? If i start thinking about solutions, it will for sure be much more intensive than it was untill now. What do i do? Is there anybody able to take it away, from inside my head? Does anybody have a solution? Where do i have to send this non-friendly 'thing'-headache?
Have a nice evening....

Pfffffff, ghici cine s-a-ntors?! Durerea de cap! Si nu pot spune ca mi-a fost dor de senzatiile 'tari' pe care mi le dadea, desi la un moment dat chiar uitasem de ea. Ei bine, azi s-a intamplat! Acest Mother Fu**er denimit Durere de cap. Azi de dimineata chiar am zis ca...hai, poate trece in 2 3 ore, dar n-a trecut. De altfel am zis ca o ignor si trece. S-a dovedit fals!
Apoi am inceput sa ma gandesc: de unde vin durerile de cap? Din cauza stress-ului, a aglomeratiei, al volumului mare de lucruri de rezolvat? M-a tras curentul? Am racit iar?! Sau, poate...n-am dormit destul azi-noapte (iar)! Dar raspunsurile nu mi s-au aratat, deci... am ramas cu cea mai mare intrebare a mea: De unde vii tu, durere de cap? Si mai ales, cum fac sa...DISPARI?! Nici macar alcoolul n-a reprezentat un raspuns - solutie de data aceasta.
Ok. Si acum?! Cum te fac sa te dizolvi? Daca incep sa ma gandesc la solutii am marea sansa de a imi intensifica durerea de cap. Asa ca va intreb pe voi: Ce fac? Exista cineva printre voi care are o solutie? Unde trebuie sa trimit aceasta 'deloc prietenoasa chestie' ?!

Seara buna...

1 comment:

Robert said...

Da Pisi :):):)aspirina saracului:):):) incearca ,rezultatul este garantat:):):)