Monday, March 30, 2009

Are yours short? / Ale tale sunt scurte?

So...i said 'Short thoughts', but are they really short? Mine ar not, but i try to make them simplier and shorter. Are yours short?
Following the concept "Show me yours, (maybe) i'll show you mine..." i'm going to write a few of my ideas:

- i went shopping, now i feel better. Does that make me a true woman?
- i saw the sunset a few moments ago. And it was so quiet and peacefull. Does that make me a romantic?
- i danced when i was driving. Does that make me crazy?
- i'm smoking like a turkish man. Will i get cancer?
- i love to smile to unknown people. Does that help me?
- i drink a lot of tee. Will i ever drink a lot of coffe?
- i am still wishing for red hair again. Will i ever grow up?
- i'm a sucker for seaside. Will i ever eat fish?
- i love to look people in the eyes. Will they ever look in mine?
- people say i'm complicated. Will they ever finish 'the puzzle' that i am?

Pff...this was not so short...

Now it's your turn...

Si varianta in romaneste, ... zis 'Ganduri scurte', nu ca ar fi vre-o data, dar incerc si eu sa le mai scurtez. Mergand pe principiul "Arata-mi tu, apoi iti arat si eu", va expun cateva din gandurile mele rapide, intr-o tarzie seara de Luni...

- am fost la cumparaturi, iar acum ma simt extraordinar. Inseamna ca reprezint tipicul feminin?
- am vazut apusul soarelui acum cateva minute, si a fost atat de liniste si pace. Inseamna ca sunt o romantica incurabila?
- am dansat in timp ce conduceam. Sunt nebuna?
- fumez ca un turc. O sa fac cancer?
- imi place sa zambesc oamenilor necunoscuti. Ma ajuta la ceva?
- beau o tona de ceai. O sa beau o tona de cafea?
- inca imi doresc parul rosu. O sa maturizez in viata asta vre-o data?
- sunt innebunita dupa mare. O sa mananc peste in viata asta?
- imi place la nebunie sa privesc oamenii in ochi. Ei ma vor privi pe mine?
- oamenii zic ca-s complicata. Vor termina ei puzzle-ul meu?

Pff.. n-a fost prea scurt...

Acum e randul tau...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

.... Smile.

A few days ago i received a very nice and appropriate ghift. I felt really impressed, not just because of the ghift but the intention and way of giving wwere the ones that struk me in the most nicest way. It came in a moment when i was thinking that i was giving again all and nothing was going to come back to me in the end. This has raised my spirit and made me smile like i haven't smiled in a while. It's not about the big things i was used to handle, but for the small ones i learned how to adjust. For me, little things count. It gave me power. There are some more things we should take the time to discover in the ones close to us. Is it a problem about trust or about how to earn it? My lack of trust in people, well day maybe somebody will gain it for real...untill then, nothing but respect and admiration.

Acum cateva zile, intr-un moment in care simteam ca iar daruiesc totul si nimic nu se va intoarce inapoi la mine, sub o forma sau alta, am primit un cadou care m-a facut sa zambesc cum nu am mai zambit de ceva vreme. Nu cadoul in sine m-a impresionat, desi valoarea lui este una zicem sentimentala. Impresionata am fost de intentia si simplitattea modalitatii in care mi-a fost daruit. Aceste doua lucruri mici si simple m-au facut sa ma simt puternica. Pentru ca nu pun accent pe lucrurile mari de care trebuie sa am grija, tinandu-le pe cele mici mai aproape de inima. Maruntele si insesizabilele lucruri pe care am invatat sa le iau in seama. Pentru mine ele conteaza. Sunt cu siguranta multe alte lucruri pe care ar trebui sa le descoperim la persoanele pe care le tinem aproape de noi. Oare este vorba despre bariera neincrederii sau poate despre modalitatea de a castiga increderea cuiva?
Despre lipsa mea de incredere in oameni...pai...cineva intr-o zi senina si cu soare o va castiga cu siguranta. Pana atunci...tot respectul si admiratia mea...

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Tell me... Do we?!

You know how it feels when all of them come together? Do you know how it feels when you simply have to accept the fact that your head knwos you have to pass on a chance that your heart screems for?! This torture of pleasure you must put up with...these feelings that burst somehow from time to time...
It's in one's natural way to be, because we all have feelings, and for sure it always has to be a "BUT" involved, we retain ourselves from acting natural and simple. We think, we imagine, we even try to find solutions for our feelings...but never do we put them in practice. Situations and situations, hunger of love, lust and hope, desire of closness...all of them burts inside us at som point. Do we have to be strong? Do we have to keep our heads up and ignore all of that? Tell me... do we?!

Si bineinteles in Romana:

Stii cum este atunci cand toate se aduna? Stii cum este sa te aflii in situatia in care trebuie sa iti asculti capul si nu Inima? Chiar daca ea urla dupa tot ceea ce iti doresti? Aceasta tortura a placerii cu care trebuie sa lupti, aceste sentimente care din cand in cand, explodeza...
Sta in comportamentul fiecarui om de a avea sentimente si dorinte, dar intotdeauna trebuie sa existe un "DAR" implicat care ne determina sa ne abtinem de la tot ceea ce ne-ar face fericiti. Gandim, ne imaginam ba chiar cautam solutii pentru a 'rezolva' aceste sentimente, ...dar nu le punem in practica. Situatii si situatii, foamea de dragoste si dorinta de apropiere, setea de senzualitate...ele toate explodeaza inauntrul nostru. Chiar trebuie sa fim puternici? Chiar trebuie sa tinem capul sus si sa ignoram toate astea? Spune-mi...trebuie?!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Rusine de primavara.../Spring's shame...

Shame! on who? On me... Why? I'll tell you guys why... because i got lost in time... i only remembered that today the Spring starts just for the simple reason that a child brought me flowers. And his cheeks were red, screaming of health and happiness. I was ashamed again, just for the simple reason that i forgot about the simple facts in life. Spring came! I should be opening the windows so the Sun could come and kindly tickle my eyelashes in the morning... But me, instead, what am i doing?! Forgetting... Shame , Shame, Shame...

SI bineinteles, variana in romana....

Rusine! Cui? Mie...De ce? Va spun imediat...pentru ca iar m-am ratacit in timp. Mi-am adus aminte ca azi incepe primavara doar in momentul in care un copil ai carui obraji urlau de sanatate si fericire, mi-a adus un buchetele de zambile. Am fost rusinata iar, doar pentru ca am uitat de lucruile simple de care odionioara ma bucuram. Ar trebui sa deschid dimineata ferestrele si sa las Soarele sa-mi gadile pleoapele, alintindu-ma usor...dar in schimb, eu ce fac?! Uit Uit Uit ... Rusine!