Sunday, July 12, 2009

Let's Dribble..../ Sa Driblam...

De sute de ani toata lumea stie foarte bine: interesul poarta fesul. Dar oare, putem fi, pe romaneste spus, atat de perversi, incat sa ne traim viata doar cu gandul de a fi doar noi bine, necontand ceilalti de langa noi? Pentru unii este foarte usor de inteles o situatie de gen, si le este atat de simplu sa profite de bunatatea altora. Nu zic ca nu e bine sa fi un pic smecher, astfel incat sa te poti orienta. Consider ca nu este corect sa traiesti dupa astfel de principii, si mai ales sa te folosesti zilnic de ele. De la accesul la un job mai bun, pana la conceptul de "moka". Si se stie foarte clar: nimic nu e gratis in aceasta lume. Poate in alta viata, dar in aceasta, sigur nu. Poate chiar viata ne face sa ne ghidam dupa astfel de ratiuni, ne indeamna sa ne comportam astfel incat sa driblam tot ceea ce ne sta in cale, doar pentru a ne atinge scopurile, chiar si pe o cale marsaveasca. Stiu, "Hotul neprins, negustor cinstit", dar oare constiinta acestui hot, nu are un gabarit deja depasit? Si stiu ca sunt oameni fara remuscari, care pentru un lucru care i-ar favoriza, ar fi in stare sa taie in carne vie. Poate acolo, in lumea lor, legea este una, dar dupa fapta vine si rasplata.

This has been known for hundreds of years: "everybody is looking out for number 1". But can we really be so perverted that we live our lives only thinking of ourselves with absolutely no regard to those who are around us? To some, such a situation is perfectly understandable and they find it very easy to take advantage of other people's kindness. I'm not saying it is not ok to be a little "streetsmart" in order to get ahead. I feel that it's not right to live your life according to such principles and especially to use them daily. From getting a job to the concept of moka. And it is very clear that "there is no such thing as a free lunch". Perhaps in another life, but in this one, there surely isn't. Perhaps life itself makes us guide ourselves after these concepts, it pushes us to dribble and dodge all the obstacles we encounter on the way, just to get to our goals, even if we choose the wrong methods to do so. I know, "innocent until proven guilty", but the consciousness of the guilty doesn't get to difficult for him to bear? I know there are some people with no remorse, that would do absolutely anything for something that would be good for them. Perhaps there, in their world, there's only their law, but "as you sow so shall you reap".

1 comment:

Robert said...

Pisi ,stai linistita ca totul se plateste pe lumea asta,nu pleaca nimeni nejudecat asa de capul lui,si dupa cum sti si tu minciuna are picioare scurte,deci nu tine zicala cu hotul neprins...blablabla...