Thursday, July 16, 2009

Only to give you a push..../ Doar ca sa te incurajez...

To express yourself to public is for common people really hard. But this time i'm going to post something that not such a common woman wrote to me.

From Adriana about EmoLove to you, people...

'...and i have to explain?! I'll do my best, even though my writing skills applied on paper, stink.
"Emo" in my brain is translated in two sorts of feelings. First one is when i am emo in a way like 'my ships have gone down, so close to the shore' and whatever you would do to try and take me out of it, never will you succed. And the second feeling that describes Emo is the emotional one, with deed feelings.
About EmoLove...i see it as a phase of the begining n a relationship or 'whatever', when the butterflys go crazy in your stomach, when everybody smiles to you and everything goes smoothly, when you forget about all the other existential problems and 'why?!' in your everyday life.
The big shit is that EmoLove does not last forever, and this pragmatical way takes me directly to Emo phase 1.
Enough! I'm not so good in explaining..!
you should have said 'small article...''

Adriana, 15.07.2009

Si in Romaneste, ca merita rau!

..Hmmm si tre' sa explic?! O sa-mi dau silinta desi „harul meu scriitoricesc, in a-mi pune gandurile pe hartie, ,pute de la o posta”.
„Emo” in creierul meu se traduce prin 2 stari, starea 1 in care sunt emo ceva gen „mi-i s-au inecat corabiile la mal” si orice ai face n-o scoti la capat cu mine si starea 2 in care emo o definesc ca si stare emotionanta, emotiva.
EmoLove o vad ca si-o stare de inceput intr-o relatie sau intr-o „fie ea ce-o fi”, cand ai fluturi in stomac si toata lumea-ti pare ca-ti zambeste si toate-ti par „floare la ureche” pe langa problemele existentiale formate din „de ce”-uri pur si simplu idioate.Ce-i naspa e ca emo love doesn't last forever si partea asta pragmatica ma determina sa pic in emo-starea 1.
Gata! Nu-s buna la „iesplicat”!
Mic articol e mult spus! Trebuia sa specifici "minuscul".

Adriana, 15.07.2009


Adriana said...

Da domne! Tre' sa ma auto sustin...c-am fost singura "sensibiloasa" din toti "alde aia" de se dau emo si n-au scris nici macar un cuvant. (da! da! v-am aratat cu "deshtu"! - mdaa stiu ca nu-i frumos, da' poate va va mai uitati intrebator la monitoru' ala ca despre voi vorbeam!). "aviatoare" o sa-mi chinui neuronu' sa fete mai multe fraze decat a facut de data asta -fara introducere si incheiere(paralela la gluma aia cu "intalnit, cinat, film si mai ramane vreme si de alte cele- toate cumuland "ceva vreme").
Pup U si ne vedem cand ne-ntalnim si la mijlocul drumului, sa nu iasa careva-n pierdere

FXY said...

From FXY:

FXY: Pune ma pe blog
FXY: Short comment to emo love
FXY: Bad to live bad but worse not to