Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Night...

Although while I'm writing these lines, there's still daylight outside, I wish it was night. Because at night I feel good. The night represents the time when we are relaxed, when we think, when we recover. It has the power to sometimes make everything all right and any problem disappear. Although many are afraid of the night, I always gladly wait for it. I find it easier to breathe at night, when I don't hear all the buzzing of the cars and I'm not bothered by the staleness of the dusty streets. And yes, the night is romantic - another reason for my love of it. To some, it became the chance to take shelter from all the problems and to just relax, whereas for others, the night is the time to take care of the rest of their affairs which come up in everyday life. There was a song which went like this: "The night, always a good friend, a glass of wine and the lights down low...", and I remember I was charmed by it. The night isn't just a full moon surrounded by a sea of stars filling the sky, but also it's about charm and magic. Indeed, something always happens during the night, a light flickers, something dies or is born. Though it seems peaceful, the night is always...

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